PS2 Downhill Domination Cheats
Unlock Cheats:
During gameplay press-up, triangle, down, X, left, O, right, square. You should see a message that says cheats unlocked. Now you can enter a code below:
During gameplay press-up, triangle, down, X, left, O, right, square. You should see a message that says cheats unlocked. Now you can enter a code below:
Super Bounce:
During game play press- left, square, X, up, triangle.
During game play press- left, square, X, up, triangle.
During game play press- down, triangle, square, square, up.
During game play press- down, triangle, square, square, up.
Mega Flip:
During game play press- right, up, up, right, right, square.
During game play press- right, up, up, right, right, square.
Combat Upgrade:
During game play press- up, down, left, left, right.
During game play press- up, down, left, left, right.
Energy Restore:
During game play press- down, right, right, left, left.
During game play press- down, right, right, left, left.
Adrenaline Boost:
During game play press- down, left, , left, right.
During game play press- down, left, , left, right.
Upgrade to Bottle:
During game play press- up, down, left, left, right, right
During game play press- up, down, left, left, right, right
Stoke Trick Meter:
During game play press- down, left, left, right, right
During game play press- down, left, left, right, right
Combat Mode:
During game play press- Left, Square, Circle, Square, Left
During game play press- Left, Square, Circle, Square, Left
Get $5,000:
During game play press- Right, Up, Up, Circle, Circle, Square
During game play press- Right, Up, Up, Circle, Circle, Square
Go through the Black Diamond gates(follow them in a row) to earn a little extra cash.
Punch, kick, check, throww bottles and whack opponents with a stick to earn more cash.
Go through the Black Diamond gates(follow them in a row) to earn a little extra cash.
Punch, kick, check, throww bottles and whack opponents with a stick to earn more cash.
Easy Money:
Go to 2 player and do a single event (it doesn't matter if you have a second player or not). Choose any rider and course. Do the race but make sure you don't get 1st place. Make sure that the second player doesn't cross the finish line. Then just beat everybody up that's there with your attack and once you think you have enough combat points just get the second player to the finish.
Go to 2 player and do a single event (it doesn't matter if you have a second player or not). Choose any rider and course. Do the race but make sure you don't get 1st place. Make sure that the second player doesn't cross the finish line. Then just beat everybody up that's there with your attack and once you think you have enough combat points just get the second player to the finish.
PS2 Downhill Domination Cheats
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